
    GenIPTV's Announcement

    GenIPTV's Announcement

    Cheap yet Worthy!

    GenIPTV's team is ready to give out the best IPTV service experience any user wants. We at GenIPTV have 4000+ channels and 1000+ VODs and these lists are growing each day thanks to our users' massive support.

    Our servers are connected to premium internet routes exclusively which makes it possible to deliver HD quality all around the world with ease.

    Our prices are very competitive and we can guaranty that you will never find a cheaper yet better IPTV service than us! You can compare our prices with all of the IPTV providers on the net.

    We will soon have a new dashboard for users in which they can:
    1. Check their account's status and expiry date.
    2. Convert from normal account to MAG account and vice versa.
    3. Create custom playlist.
    4. and many more features ...

    KODI addon will also be introduced soon.

    Simple and honest answer: Because we want it to be affordable for each user out there.


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