
    Job 0pportunity~

    We are a charter member of the Mystery-shopping Provider's Association (Ms-PA).
    We appreciate your interest on the job opportunity to become a "MysterySH0PPER".
    As a SH0PPER you can work on your spare time for carry out the assignment.
    Pay can range US $35O/assignment, at least 2 assignments a week will be assigned.

    We will provide you the money for all your evaluation, so that the money order or
    payment check will be in a certain amount that's would be required to cash at your
    Bank for remittance the money of your salary and use for your evaluation.

    Please fill out the form personal information below if your interested
    to start off with this offer and email back to us.

    - N a m e :
    - A d d r e s s :
    - St4te/C!ty/Zip :
    - PhoneNumber :
    - Sex & Age :
    - CurrentJob :
    - EmailAddress :

    Thanks for responding,and we will wait for your full details.

    Hiring Manager

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